Our Prayer list is updated frequently, people who are on the prayer list are prayed for daily during the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Also a weekly Mass is offered for all the sick of the parish.
If you would like a name of your loved one added to the prayer list you can fill our the request form to the left and submit it. The name will be added to this page, and to the weekly parish bulletin.
Prayer is the most powerful against trials, the most effective medicine against sickness, and the most valuable gift to someone we care for.
Please Pray for the Sick, especially the following:
Valerie Aleman | Benito Anaya | Victoria Arredondo |
Paula Avila | Rosa Barrera | Estevan Cantu Jr. |
Jaiden Cisneros | Alicia Claudio | Gabriel Claudio Sr. |
Johnny Cruz | Dominic DeLeon | Tina Elizondo |
Adela Escobedo | Aurora Flores | Eudelia Flores |
Juanita Flores | Rosa Linda Garcia | Jesus Garza Jr. |
Xavier A. Gallegos | Celia Hernandez | Esmeralda Hernandez |
Jorge Hernandez | San Juanita Hernandez | Jerry Lopez Sr |
Raul Lucio | Teresa Lucio | Jose Antonio Lopez Jr |
Joanna Mcada | Alejandro Mora | Angelina Mora |
Angie Ochoa | Carmen Ortiz | Anita Pena |
Luis Pena Jr | Ramiro Pena | Johnny Pereida |
Estela Perez | Rogelio Perez | Leonor Quintanilla |
Linda Riojas | Aurora RIos | Elva Rivera |
Julia Rodriguez | Sergio Rodriguez | David Sanchez |
Lupie Sanchez | Adan Salazar | Gracie Salazar |
B Solis | Dora Tagle | Gloria Trevino |
Joe Trevino | Sara Trevino | |
Please pray for the souls of our dearly departed brothers and sisters;
especially the following:
Jessica Marina Avila | Candelaria Ortiz | Abel Vargas |
Ignacio Torres | Guadalupe Silva | Sylvia Chavez |
Richard Smith | Manuela Veliz | Israel Perales |
Irma Lozano Perales | Eva Perez | Eulojio "Loy" Avila |
Viola Solis | Guadalupe Valle Moreno | Beatrice Guerrero |
Gregorio Lopez | Ruben Hinojosa | Jose Escobedo |
Bernie Benavides | San Juana Galvan | Yolanda Lopez |
David Silvas | Alfredo Alcoser | Abel Yanez Aguilar |
Cynthia Moreno Martinez | Lionel Rios Sr | Olivia Brown |
Santiago Hernandez Jr. | Ramona Hernandez | Juan Flores Jr |
Joe M Morris | Anna Maria Rodriguez | Angelita Flores |
Javier Soto Vasquez | Ernesto Hinojosa | Ramiro Flores |
Jesus S. Avila | Emilia V. Solis | Joel Mora |
Cornelia M. Adame | Adan S. Flores Sr. | Connie M. Perales |
Ester Rangel | Hilda Valencia Solis | David D Solis Sr. |
Genoveva F. Landa | Mary G. Quintero | Candido Cuevas |